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Tack & Bulletin Boards

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Tack and bulletin boards for Classrooms

Tack and bulletin boards, also known as cork boards, are a popular and versatile tool for displaying information, pictures, and other items in homes, offices, schools, and other settings. They are made of a cork material that allows items to be easily tacked or pinned onto the surface, making it a convenient way to display and organize information. Tack and bulletin boards come in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles and can be mounted on walls or used as a freestanding unit. They are also available with different surfaces, such as fabric, felt, or vinyl, to meet specific needs. Tack and bulletin boards are a practical and affordable solution for displaying important information, notices, calendars, and more, in a way that is easily accessible and visible. They are also a great tool for creative projects, such as creating mood boards or displaying art, and can be a fun and decorative addition to any room. Overall, tack and bulletin boards are an essential tool for staying organized and displaying information in an accessible and visually appealing way.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Is a Tack Board Made of?

The surface of a tack board is made of 90% post-industrial recycled rubber. Anodized aluminum with a satin finish that incorporates 75% post-industrial material is also used to make the frame. A fabric tackboard can be made out of other materials as well. 


What Are Cork Boards Made of?

Cork boards are made out of cork. This is a natural product produced from the bark of a cork oak tree. Cork is a beautiful material that is ideal for a thumb tack board since it is lightweight, water-proof, soft, rot and fire-resistant, and buoyant.

What Are Fabric Bulletin Boards Made of?

To make it easy to add and remove messages, bulletin boards are often made of cork. They also sometimes have a whiteboard or blackboard for writing. A combined bulletin board is one that features both a writing surface and a pinboard (corkboard).


How Do You Hang Bulletin Boards Without Damaging the Wall?

Use detachable hanging strips to hang your bulletin board. Use the strips to hold the fabric tack board firmly in place to prevent damage to the walls. 


What Can Cork Boards be Used for?

Generally, a cork tackboard is a sizable rectangular piece of cork. It uses cork board tacks to hold crucial papers and other kinds of paperwork in the classroom or office. This makes them visible to individuals in a certain space or in another area. Most individuals only consider using cork notice boards to hang papers on the wall. Cork boards are often referred to as letter boards.


How Long Does a Cork Board Last?

Cork is an extremely durable material that often lasts for decades. Apart from this, we also offer high-quality products such as Claridge tackboards, that are made to last.


Why Do You Need a Good Quality Bulletin Board?

Although they may seem old-fashioned, bulletin boards are still a necessity in schools and offices. This time-tested approach to posting news, data, or any kind of communication is still incredibly powerful. You may choose from a broad variety of boards at Shiffler Equipment, including magnetic and cork ones. The most popular boards are made of natural cork; you can hang them in the school to display announcements and artwork or in the office to present any ideas.


How Do You Choose the Ideal Cork Board?

Since cork is resilient, even after frequent use, pinholes won't be noticeable. Choose colored cork bulletin boards with embossed foam in shades such as blue, burgundy, and gray if you're looking for high-quality cork that complements the classroom. They have high-density fiberboard backing and strong frames. The best feature of magnetic boards is that you can use both magnets and pushpins on them. The frames for these boards are made of plastic, metal, and wood. Cork boards without frames are another option. Shop our store today to find the perfect bulletin boards for sale. We have various options, sizes, and colors for you to choose from and can guarantee that you'll find something to match the walls in your office or school.


Are Bulletin Boards Expensive?

The price varies depending on the type of board you get; for example, fabric bulletin boards will not cost the same as cork boards.